My Exquisite Dreamworld

Dream on


Are you ready for an adventure of a lifetime? Welcome to «My Exquisite Dreamworld». Do you know the best thing about it? It is absolutely FREE! Hurrah! You heard it right, as there is no need to save a penny or plan anything. Guess what? You don’t even need a visa, passport, vaccination pass or anything else, whatsoever. It is accessible all year long. So, dive right in.


Definitely, the curtains will be raised soon. All that you have to do is to close your eyes and accompany me on this escapade. Take a deep breath and relax while enjoying the experience. Although, My Dreamworld is customized and caters to my needs but, I will accommodate your preference and requirements with pleasure. You are more than welcome to join in the adventure and enjoy its vastness with me as it has endless possibilities. You can bring as many family members, friends and guests as you want. See, the best thing is that there are no restrictions or limitations to the fun whatsoever.



The part I like best is my dining area. Imagine all the exquisite food from the world cuisines, right in front of you, in the blink of an eye. I mean, what more can a person ask for, right? My table is always full of biryani, samosas, tikkas, rasmalai, pizza, chowmein, lasagne, rolls, shami kebab, roll paratha, haleem, nihari etc. In addition, all the fabulous food that you can think of, is there for you to enjoy. I feel the hunger pangs already. Now that sounds so out of this world. And trust me, you will never, ever gain even an ounce of fat by eating all of it up. Wow! I am speechless.

It is the most beautiful and amazing place that you can imagine. The weather is perfectly mild, neither hot nor cold. The sound of crisp breeze can be heard. The sound of leaves, trees, chirping birds fill up the air. There is the scent of lavender all around, since I have planted it all around the garden. One cannot get enough of it. Take very deep breaths! Just feel the serenity, the silence, the sorroundings, the peace, the freshness, life, everything around you. The lakes, mountains, blue sky and a few clouds here and there. I just see beauty, the stunning beauty of Nature all around me. The sound of silence is so full of serenity and tranquility. Nonetheless, if you can just hear it …

Orange-Bellied Flowerpecker, Bird, Perched, Animal
Sound of a chirping bird

When I feel like taking a walk beside the river bank, happiness fills me up. The first thing that fills me up is the absolutely clean and fresh air, and then the trickling sound of water. I can just sit there and enjoy it for hours and hours on end. A bird just flew by. When I am here, words like «stress and hectic, rush» feel so strange and foreign. You are so at peace here, absolutely and completely relaxed, enjoying the beauty all around you. The moment of silence! The moment of truth! Besides, are you also having the same feeling as me after reading it! I am pretty sure that you do.

Now is the time to visit the big library in my Dreamworld. It has the biggest collection of books from all around the world, on all kinds of topics. The hardest thing is to choose which book to read from the huge selection all around me. The deciding factor is my mood then. Which topic sounds fascinating today? Hmm. Is it poetry, literature, novel, history, cookbook, hobby, flower decoration, successful people, relationships, life, flowers, birds, I mean any category you can think of, is available here. Furthermore, I choose the serene, comfortable reading spot by the window. Time to learn and grow!


Okay, enough with reading and relaxing now. Time to take a look at the beautiful garden of mine. It is full of flowers and fruit trees. The air is so rich in scent that the lungs also take pleasure in breathing. The kaleidoscope of vibrant, rich colors cannot be described in words. It can only be seen and felt. The experience itself is magical and out of this world. Rows and rows of different colors and varieties of roses, tulips, lavender, pansies, daisies, begonia, petunia, lilies, chrysanthemum, carnations, daffodils, dahlias etc. just to name a few. Without a doubt, I feel so rejuvenated now.


Oh! I am starting to miss my family and friends already. Time to socialize and party. I have all of my family members along with my friends at my place. Now that sounds like pure fun. Imagine all your loved ones around you, buffet is ready to be served by the waiters. The sound of happy kids playing in the background and adults having a blast of a time. In addition to this, the aroma of hot, scrumptious food all around you – what more can a person dream of?


Butterfly, Vanessa Cardui, Flower, Pollinate

Last but not the least, I truly hope and wish that you have enjoyed the trip to «My Exquisite Dreamworld» as much as I have while creating and writing it down. You are so welcome to join me with your loved ones as often as you want. Please feel free to share it with others as I believe that «sharing is caring». Happy Living and Happy Dreaming!

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